
S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - How to build a Chicken Coop

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - How to build a Chicken Coop

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop

Dimension in the drawings as reference
Building according the actual dimension
Size of timber (section):
a: 4"x4"
b: 2"x4"
c: 2"x2"
d: 1"x2"
e: 1"x1"
f: 1"x4"
g: 1"x3"
Units: Inches
Overall size:
122" x 40" for Cage
16" x 40" for Nesting Box for 2 Hens
40" x 362" x 91" for area of the building

Order of the drawings in this profile are not the steps to build correctly.
It is suggested. You should see the drawings carefully.
Then you should create a plan to build that it suits your conditions.
And here I will suggest you a step by step plan to build of mine that you can refer to it:
4.0 - Building the axis and column
4.1 - Building the main frame structure
4.5 - Building the Floor
5.0 - Building Perch for chickens
6.0 - Building Vents
7.0 - Building Nesting boxes
8.0 - Building Roof beam
9.0 - Building Wall system
11.0 - Building the Door
12.0 - Building the Windows
12.0 - Building Litter Tray and Clean Out-Lid
14.0 - Building Roof for Nesting Boxes
15.0 - Building Ramp
16.0 - Building Insulated Panel for Roof
17.0 - Building Chicken Run
18.0 - Building components prevent rain water from the roof

S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop
(Newly Upgraded Version)

I'm upgrading the entire plan, and I always do so, I am reducing the volume of wood in construction and still achieve what we want, to save money, build faster, easier,
I am presenting a plan for a better way with less drawing, to save money on printing and viewing time, download time,
I am following the suggestions and feedback from all of you,
Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get many Useful and Free Plans
S200 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How to build a Chicken Coop